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Unlock $10K/Month as a Student: Proven Strategies to Boost Your Income Now!

Dive into ‘The Dark Horse Entrepreneur’ podcast as we explore how students and teenagers can make $10,000 a month online. Learn practical strategies, debunk myths, and start your journey with our actionable guide. Tune in to transform your approach and achieve financial independence sooner!

Unlocking the Perfect Side Hustle: What Side Hustle Can I do?

Join the Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast and unlock the secrets to side hustle success. Explore practical strategies, inspiring stories, and the wisdom to grow your hustle from a seed into a towering legacy. Tune in now and transform your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Unlocking Entrepreneurial Success: The Power of Quizzes and Resilience with Tai Goodwin

Join us on the Dark Horse Entrepreneur as Tracy Brinkmann and Tai Goodwin dive into the power of quizzes for lead generation, personalizing marketing strategies, the essence of resilience, and making the decisive leap into entrepreneurship. Discover actionable insights and strategies to elevate your business.

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About Tracy Brinkmann

From hitting the rock bottom of drugs, divorce, bankruptcy and even the death of an 18 month old daughter. To running the planning & marketing departments of some of corporate America’s finest companies to his own company helping driven entrepreneurs, scale their businesses, by crystalizing and monetizing their passions, and now hosting his podcast focused on Driven Dark Horse Entrepreneurs.

Tracy Brinkmann, is a business coach, success coach & product creator that realizes life isn’t fair and participation awards do not feed your family (or your drive to succeed)… This Driven Dark Horse Entrepreneur is looking to share all that he has learned and is still learning about starting, restarting, kick starting and stepping up your entrepreneurial game all while not ignoring that amazing tool between your ears!